Sunday, 28 January 2018

A little taste of South Africa

On a wet rainy day like today, when I'm looking out for inspiration for something to paint in the studio, all I need to do is check out my sister's instagram account (@poesy_by_sophie) which is full of beautiful photographs taken during her trips and adventures in Africa. A few weeks ago I found a gorgeous picture taken at the Citrusdal farm in South Africa and couldn't resist trying to depict the patches of light with paint. Here is the result below:

A glass of wine in the shade - Waterfall Farm Citrusdal - South Africa  oil on board 10"x10"



I've included below a few steps for those who like to see my process:

The finished painting

I'm saving this painting for a group show that will happen later this year London and which might well be the most exciting event of the year! (well at least for me!). I'll do a post about it very soon but all I can say now is save the date 16-20 October 2018!

Feel free to browse my website for all my available paintings:

And I'm also on Facebook 

and Instagram

I hope you have a wonderful week!

Saturday, 6 January 2018

The Guildhall market

I hope everybody had a lovely christmas and New year celebrations. Mine was full of food, kids, joy and tantrums (not me, the kids), travelling, sleeping (not enough though), cups of tea, and lots and lots of chocolate. I have so little self control with it that I ended up buying a safe to lock away the chocolate stash with a combination lock and asked my husband to set up the code and only ration me to one chocolate a day, otherwise I would eat it all up in one go. I know it's stupid but it works! 

Anyway, all this eating prevented me from catching up with the blog. I have many paintings I want to share here, so I'll just start with something I painted last summer: the Guildhall Market in Bath. I set up in a corner behind the luggage shop and tried to capture the magical atmosphere of the place. I had to finish it in the studio as there were too many details to get in just one session:

The Guildhall Market, Bath   10"x12" oil on board
Available here


The scene on the day and couple of progress shots:

You might remember I already painted a scene from the Guildhall Market a few months before. I never got the chance to show you the steps so here they are:

Delicatessen counter, Guildhall Market  10"x14"  oil on board
Available here

The final painting

Also, just wanted to say I have about 10 calendars left (wall and desk) so you can get yours here if you fancy one:   (Or just click on the image). Free shipping in Europe. 

I'll soon do new posts about my latest flowers paintings, studio work, paintings of my daughter, and also will tell you more about the most exciting event of 2018: I'll be a part of a group show of 27 fantastic plein air painters in London 15-20 October 2018... Save the date! Will tell you more about it very soon!